Silver Picture Frame

A Silver Picture Frame is probably the most classic and sophisticated way to frame your pictures, but it is not an easy frame to buy as a cheap picture frame. While silver colored frames are readily available, these tend to be some cheap metal, just coated with a silver finish, or plastic with a thin silver lining.

While these silver picture frames are nice in their own right and can be picked up for just a couple of dollars, a real silver picture frame, made of real silver, can cost several hundred dollars.


One of the best ways to pick up a silver picture frame without paying too much is to pick it up as an antique. Funnily enough there is very little difference in the price between brand new silver photo frames and antique ones, but with the antique variety you not only get the beauty and the value of the silver, but also the history and character of displaying your photos in something that may be around 100 years old.

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