Glass Picture Frames

Glass Picture Frames are a modern and fashionable alternative to plastic or wooden picture frames. A lot of searches to this page come from people looking for picture frame glass, so we thought we should also bring up this subject on this page.

Glass picture frames often have a very interesting texture. An exciting texture to have is the one where the glass is fitted with a lot of little bubbles to give it that kind of “just made” look. Here at this website, our personal favorite is to have a thick and uneven glass that is quite similar to the bottom of a bottle of wine. When this kind of rough sand glass is mixed with a bubble filled finish, the results are very impressive. We like to see this kind of finish primarily in green and blue, but other nice colors are white (but not completely see through) and light red.

Picture frame glass however is a totally different kettle of fish. You can buy picture frame glass in see through sheets, cut to different dimensions. We would never recommend cutting your own glass to size as this is the job for an expert and is not easily done with everyday tools.

Picture frame glass is cut to the same dimensions as the traditional picture frame sizes and can be bought quite cheaply. Always be careful when handling picture frame glass as cuts can be painful and is a job best done by adults. Dont let children play with the glass themselves.

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